[originaltext]M:I haven’t seen George all day.W:Have you checked the lab? I wo

游客2024-04-18  7

M:I haven’t seen George all day.
W:Have you checked the lab? I wouldn’t be surprised if he slept there.
Q:What does the woman imply about George?
M:I’m trying to talk Jan out of studying abroad next semester.
W:That’s a lost cause—You know Jan when she has her heart set on something...
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、The man should consider studying abroad.
B、The man won’t be able to change Jan’s mind.
C、The man should try to get to know Jan better.
D、Jan probably doesn’t want to study abroad.

答案 B

解析 “talk sb.out of sth./doing sth.”意思是“说服某人不做某事”;“lost cause”意思是“注定要失败的努力(或行动)”;“have one’s set on sth.”意思是“下决心做某事”。M打算试着说服Jan不要出国留学,W认为M注定要失败,也就是说,M无法改变Jan的念头。正确答案是B。