[originaltext]W:I’m sure glad that today’s physics class is over! What did you

游客2024-04-18  3

W:I’m sure glad that today’s physics class is over! What did you think of the lecture?
M:I was lost. I couldn’t follow a word Professor Smith said.
Q: What does the man mean?
M:Excuse me. Do you mind if I borrow that newspaper for a little bit?
W:I’m sorry, but it doesn’t belong to me.
Q: What does the woman imply?

选项 A、Someone already borrowed her newspaper.
B、She’ll get the newspaper back from the man later.
C、She can’t lend the man the newspaper.
D、She hasn’t had time to read the newspaper yet.

答案 C

解析 “belong to”的意思是“属于”。W说这份报纸不是她的,言外之意是,她不能把报纸借给M。从I’m sorry就可以判断W的回答是否定的。