[originaltext]M:Arthur’s farewell dinner is this weekend. W:Wish I could take

游客2024-04-18  8

M:Arthur’s farewell dinner is this weekend.
W:Wish I could take time out for it.
Q:What does the woman imply?
M:I can’t figure out how to put this bookshelf together. Could you give me a hand with it?
W:Just let me finish straightening up the kitchen first.
Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?

选项 A、The bookshelf won’t fit in the kitchen.
B、The man will give the woman some books.
C、The woman will help the man soon.
D、The man doesn’t know where to put the bookshelf.

答案 C

解析 这是一道向他人求助的听力题型。“give sb.a hand”意思是“帮助某人”,这个词组在六级听力题中出现的频率相对较高,考生应熟记。W没有拒绝M,而是说,让她先整理好(straighten up)厨房。不难推测,她稍后会过来帮忙。因此选C。