网上银行(online banking)拥有许多优势。网上银行从不关门,每天24小时、每周7天全天候营业,而且只需轻点鼠标即可完成交易。当你的财务发生问

游客2024-04-18  6

问题     网上银行(online banking)拥有许多优势。网上银行从不关门,每天24小时、每周7天全天候营业,而且只需轻点鼠标即可完成交易。当你的财务发生问题时,而你附近又没有营业厅或自动取款机(ATM),你可以马上登录网上银行来处理你的财务。网上银行处理并确认交易的速度通常达到或者超过了自动取款机的运行速度,许多网上银行现在还提供账目总计、股票(stock)报价等先进的工具,以帮助你更有效地理财。


答案     Online banking has a lot of advantages. It never closes, offering service 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and it’s just a slight click of mouse. If your nearby banks or ATMs are not available when financial problems arise, you can immediately log on to your online banking and cope with your business. In terms of the execution and confirmation of transactions, the speed of online banking is generally no less than that of ATMs. Online banking now offers advanced tools, including account aggregation, stock quotes and so on to help you manage your assets more effectively.
