[originaltext]W: Hello, Jack! Congratulations on your becoming a student leader

游客2024-04-16  4

W: Hello, Jack! Congratulations on your becoming a student leader!
M: Thank you! But you know,(9)when I was first told that I had been nominated for one of the three candidates for the chairman of the Students’ Union, I hesitated for a long time.
W: Why?
M: I used to think, and I still think, a college student should apply most of his time and energy to studying instead of plunging into a social whirl.
W: I’m afraid I don’t agree with you on that.(10)The youth of today should not only study well and gain high marks, we should also be able to deal with all kinds of situations successfully, and all by ourselves. Being a student leader, you can get a lot of exercise on that. Didn’t you change your mind? Of course, you did.
M: I was originally going to give up joining in the campaign because I had dedicated a lot of time and energy to public affairs in my class.(11)Later, however, the teacher in charge of my class and some of the other teachers in the college management concerning students’ affairs had several talks with me.
W: Oh really? What did they say then?
M: Just as you said,(11)they advised me not to lose the opportunity to train my abilities in organization and social work. They said that a college student shouldn’t get concerned only about his study, and he should also pay attention to the improvement of his competency in some other respects.
9. How did the man respond to his nomination at first?
10. What is the woman’s opinion about being a student leader?
11. Why did the man change his mind?

选项 A、He was convinced by the woman.
B、He was encouraged by his parents.
C、He was persuaded by the teachers.
D、He was moved by his classmates.

答案 C

解析 原因目的题。本题问的是男士改变想法的原因。男士说老师们建议他不要错过锻炼自己组织和社会工作能力的机会。由此可知,男士改变初衷的原因是他被老师们说服了。