[originaltext]M: I see you and your friends have been decorating the dormitory.
[originaltext]M: I see you and your friends have been decorating the dormitory.
M: I see you and your friends have been decorating the dormitory.
W: The walls looked so dull; we decided to cover them with prints and posters.
M: I like this one. Did you buy it on campus?
W: No, I bought it at the museum of modern art in New York City. The art history department recently sponsored a special museum tour there.
M: Is this a reproduction of something in the museum’s collection?
W: Yes, It’s a print of a painting by Georgia O’keffe called Lake George Window.
M: It looks more like a photograph. The details are so accurate and realistic.
W: I thought the same thing when I first saw the painting hanging in the museum. But the art history teacher pointed out how the painting is in fact very stylized.
M: What do you mean?
W: First, by choosing a front view of the window, O’keffe was able to present a symmetrical image and eliminate any hint of three dimensionality.
M: It does look almost flat. The open shutters seem to have no depth at all.
W: To emphasize that two dimensional look, O’keffe also eliminated details of texture. The shutters, for example.
M: Yes, their surface looks as flat as the glass of the window pane.
W: So even though she created a realistic painting of a window, O’keffe stylized and simplified the shapes to resemble an abstract design.
M: It sounds as though you learned a lot on that trip. Is the art history department planning another museum tour?
W: Yes, the next one is to a special exhibit of European painters at the museum of fine arts in Boston next week.
M: I think I will sign up for that one.
9. What has the woman been doing?
10. What is the characteristic of Georgia O’keffe’s work?
11. How did the woman benefit from the museum tour?
12. What might the man do next week?
A、She earned a lot of money.
B、She learned many things.
C、She was acquainted with many people.
D、She became an art major.
A.元气耗损,功能衰退 B.气机不畅,经气郁滞 C.气机升降失常 D.营卫
病人尿中带血,小便频数,赤涩热痛,舌红脉数,治宜用A.导赤散 B.八正散 C
下列不属于职业道德特征的是。()A.职业道德具有特殊性 B.职业道德具有继承
出库安装时,不能计入设备投资支出的附属设备的有()。A:暖气 B:卫生 C
质量手册的内容至少应包括()。 A.组织的使命、愿景、价值观 B.关键绩效
()的职业路径以工作族为单位进行职业生涯设计。A.传统 B.网状 C.横向
组织变革的内部动因包括( )。A.战略的调整 B.环境资源的变化 C.员工
下列项目中,属于流动资产的项目有()。A.应收账款 B.短期投资 C.