[originaltext]M: I haven’t heard from Nancy since she entered medical school. I

游客2024-04-15  9

M: I haven’t heard from Nancy since she entered medical school. I wonder how she’s doing.
W: Well, I understand she gave our department secretary her new address and phone number. Why don’t you try to get in touch with her?
Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?
M: Where’s Professor White this morning?
W: He’s a little under the weather. He got soaked in the heavy rain the night before last and you know his health.
Q: What does the woman say about Professor White?

选项 A、He is weak in health.
B、He has caught a cold.
C、He is very careless.
D、He is seriously ill.

答案 A

解析 听音时要抓住关键词组a little under the weather(身体不大舒服)、got soaked in the heavy rain(淋了大雨),此外女士还补充了一句you know his health,这些都说明Professor White身体虚弱,A正确。