[originaltext]W: The mountain seems to have grown, I feel so diz2y when I climb

游客2024-04-14  2

W: The mountain seems to have grown, I feel so diz2y when I climb this year, but it is worth it for the view. You know, it was so good to feel like you were on top of the world.
M: Not the mountain but us. You see, you can feel it after 50.
Q: What does the man imply?
W: Peter, why don’t you go out for dinner with us tonight?
M: And miss the basketball game? Washington Wizards and LA Lakers are playing their 6th game for the championship. It will be very exciting!
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、He wants to join the woman later.
B、He wants to meet the woman at home.
C、He wants to watch the basketball game.
D、He wants to go to play basketball.

答案 C

解析 女士邀请男士一起外出吃晚餐,但男士推辞了,因为他要看篮球赛。故C正确。从选项可以判断,题目问的是“他”要做何事。女士邀请男士一起外出晚餐,男士的回答可以是接受,或者拒绝,但男士讲了一堆跟晚餐没有关系的话,很可能就是委婉地拒绝。