[originaltext]W: What is the home assignment from Professor Smith? I missed the

游客2024-04-14  9

W: What is the home assignment from Professor Smith? I missed the class this morning.
M: Finish reading Chapters 5 and 6, and write an essay based on Chapter 3 and 4. Remember, it’s your turn to give a presentation next Monday.
Q: What will the woman do in addition to home assignment for the whole class?
M: Can you look up the word for me? I never could get the alphabet straight and it takes me hours to find the word I’m looking for.
W: Sure I’ll be glad to. Let me see...
Q: What does the man want the woman to do for him?

选项 A、To find a word in the dictionary.
B、To tell him the alphabet.
C、To teach him written English.
D、To buy a dictionary for him.

答案 A

解析 男士说:“你能帮我查一个字吗?”接着解释他弄不明白字母表的查法,可见A正确。look up意为“查找”,只要听明白该短语便可直接定位到选项A,find为look up的同义转换。