A blind baby is doubly handicapped. Not only is it unable to see, but becaus

游客2024-04-13  11

问题     A blind baby is doubly handicapped. Not only is it unable to see, but because it cannot receive the visual stimulus from its environment that a sighted child does, it is likely to be slow in intellectual development. Now the ten-month old son of Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Daughters is the subject of an unusual psychological experiment designed to prevent a lag in the learning process. With the aid of a sonar-type electronic device that he wears on his head, infant Dennis is learning to identify the people and objects in the world around him by means of echoes.
    The device is a refinement of the "Sonicguide", an instrument produced by Telesensory Systems, Inc., of Palo Alto, Calif., and used by blind adults in addition to a sane or guide dog. As adapted for Dennis, it consists of a battery-powered system about the size of a half dollar that is on a headgear. A transmitter emits an ultrasonic pulse that creates an 80 degree cone of sound at 6 feet. Echoes from objects within the cone are perceived as sounds that vary in pitch and volume with the size and distance of the object. The closer an object is, the lower the pitch, and the larger the object, the louder the signal. Hard surfaces produce a sharp ping, while soft ones send back signals with a slightly fuzzy quality. An object slightly to the right of Dennis sends back a louder sound to his right ear than to the left. Thus, by simply moving his head right and left and up and down, he can not only locate an object but also get some notion of its shape and size, thanks to the varying qualities of sounds reaching his ears as the cone of ultrasound passes its edges. Dennis likes to use the device to play a kind of peek-a-boo with his mother. Standing on her knee and facing her directly, he receives a strong signal in both ears. By turning his head away, he makes her seem to disappear. From the first time he wore it," says Mrs. Daughters, "it was like a light going on in his head."
    What remains to be determined is how well the device will help Dennis cope with his surroundings as he begins to walk and venture further into his environment. Meanwhile, Telesensory, Inc. is working on the development of sonar device with somewhat the same sensitivity as Dennis’s for use by school-age children. [br] What is Telesensory Systems, Inc. most likely to think about infant Dennis’ device?

选项 A、It had better be used by blind children from school age.
B、It needs improving for use in a complicated environment
C、It may not be so suitable for the blind adults.
D、It benefits blind children in terms of learning.

答案 D

解析 从末段末句中的school-age children及句中其他内容可以推断Telesensory最可能认为Dennis的声纳定位仪有利于儿童的学习过程,D为本题答案。原文并没有说他们认为学龄儿童才是使用该仪器最适合的年龄,A不正确;B是作者的看法,并非Telesensory的看法;虽然本文从头到尾讨论的都是盲童学习的问题,但第2段首句也提到过成人使用类似的装置,因此C不正确。