The selfishness of humans is a central assumption of orthodox(传统的)economics,

游客2024-04-12  6

问题     The selfishness of humans is a central assumption of orthodox(传统的)economics, where it is thought to lead to benefits for the economy as a whole. It is what the 18th-century Scottish economist Adam Smith described as the " invisible hand". But evolutionary biologists have come to see cooperation and selflessness as a big part of our【C1】______as a species. During the course of our evolution, they point out, cooperative groups【C2】______outcompeted groups of cheats.
    So we are inherently cooperative when operating within our own groups. We have also【C3】______social mechanisms to reinforce actions that benefit the group. "You could say teamwork at the scale of small groups is the signature【C4】______of our species," says evolutionary biologist David Sloan Wilson from Binghamton University in New York.
    But【C5】______teamwork can include a competition mechanism to promote actions that benefit the group, particularly in larger groups. It’s also important to remember that in-group cooperation evolved partly in response to competition between groups.
    This evolutionary perspective is radically new to economics, and it could be relevant to grand-scale economic problems that require solutions involving cooperation between nations. Take the challenge of getting nations to work together over economic solutions to climate change—a【C6】______focus in the run-up to climate negotiations in Paris, France, later this year. This is a gargantuan(巨大的)problem from any perspective, but it is【C7】______an issue of coordination for the sake of the common good at a massive scale, says Wilson. " The challenge is therefore to【C8】______at larger scales the coordination and control that takes place more spontaneously at smaller scales," he says—from multicellular(多细胞的)organisms to village-sized groups of humans.
    "Morality evolved out of cooperation within and competition between groups, so when acting as a single group to tackle global problems we will have to【C9】______the role of natural selection ourselves," Wilson says. This might involve pursuing a wide variety of【C10】______, identifying those that work best, and then creating incentives to cooperate on implementation. " In some ways it’s the opposite of the invisible hand. "
A)adaptation I)particular
B)assume J)promptly
C)compel K)remarkable
D)consistently L)rumor
E)developed M)strategies
F)effective N)success
G)essentially O)suspicion
H)implement [br] 【C5】


答案 F

解析 空格位于名词teamwork之前,据此推断空格处应填入形容词,修饰名词,并与之一起构成句子的主语。上文中说明人类的进化发展离不开合作,本句中的But之后引出了转折:——团队合作中也包含着竞争,再根据空格后的a competition mechanism to promote actions that benefit the group可知,竞争是一种有益于组内提高行动力的机制,由此可知,这种竞争对团队合作来说是有好处的,故答案为F)effective“有效的”。备选项中,I)particular“特别的,特殊的”和K)remarkable“惊人的”与上下文语义不符,故均排除。