[originaltext]M: Hi, Sherrill.W: Hello, Fill, how are you?M: I’ m fine, where

游客2024-04-09  4

M: Hi, Sherrill.
W: Hello, Fill, how are you?
M: I’ m fine, where are you headed?
W: Oh, I’m on my way home from work.
M: I didn’ t know you have a job.
W: Yeah. I work part-time at the supermarket.
M: What do you do there?
W: I work in the produce section, trimming and wrapping fresh fruit and vegetables. I also stock shelves. Sometimes when it really gets busy, I work at the check-out counter. Have you got a job, Fill?
M: Yeah, I do yard work for people. You know, cutting grass, raking leaves, falling weeds, things like that.
W: I’d like doing that. It must be nice to work outdoors.
M: Sometimes it is, except when it rains, snows or gets too hot or too cold.
W: I guess every job has its drawbacks. There are times when I get pretty tired of carrying things around at my job. But a job is a job. Got to earn money for school.
M: Me too, tuition sure is high, isn ’t it? Well, I’d better get going. I have to plant some trees for my neighbours this afternoon.
W: Well, don’t work too hard, holding down a job, going to class, studying, sometimes can become too much for one person. Take it easy.
M: You too, it was great seeing you, Sherrill.
Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
5. Where does Sherrill work?
6. What doesn’ t Sherrill do during her working time?
7. According to Fill, what is the disadvantage of his job?
8. According to the conversation, who are they?

选项 A、Supermarket.

答案 A

解析 细节题。Sherrill说I work part-time at the supermarket.即她在超市做兼职。此题B为干扰项,但在园圃工作的是Fill。因此,正确答案为A。