雷锋是一位中国人民解放军(the People’s Liberation Army of China)战士的名字,如今已家喻户晓,成了一个文化符号,象征

游客2024-04-08  7

问题     雷锋是一位中国人民解放军(the People’s Liberation Army of China)战士的名字,如今已家喻户晓,成了一个文化符号,象征着无私和奉献。1963年3月5日,毛泽东主席发起“向雷锋同志学习”的活动,鼓励年轻人以雷锋为榜样。自此,3月5日正式成为学雷锋日。雷锋精神的核心是全心全意为人民服务。随着时代的发展,雷锋精神也被赋予了鲜明的时代特色,成为精神文明的同义词。尤其从20世纪90年代开始,人们就把雷锋精神与“做好事,帮助别人”联系在一起。


答案     Lei Feng, the name of a soldier of the People’s Liberation Army of China, has now become a household word and a cultural icon symbolizing selflessness and dedication. On March 5, 1963, Chairman Mao Zedong initiated the "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng" campaign and encouraged the youth to follow his example. March 5 has since become the official "Learn from Lei Feng Day". The core of Lei Feng spirit is to serve the people heart and soul. With the development of the times, the spirit has also been endowed with distinctive features of times and has already become a synonym of spiritual civilization. Especially since 1990s, the spirit has been associated with doing good deeds and helping others.

解析 1.第一句含多个分句,这类句子一般不建议翻译成结构松散的并列句。第一个分句中“一位中国人民解放军战士的名字”可处理为“雷锋”同位语,译作Lei Feng,the name of…第二、三个分句可以理解为“雷锋已成为一个家喻户晓的名字和文化符号”,因此合起来译,表达为…has become a household word and a cultural icon,为避免重复name这个词,将“家喻户晓”表达为a household word;最后一个分句“象征着无私和奉献”是说明“文化符号”的,因此将其表达为现在分词短语symbolizing selflessness and dedication,作后置定语,修饰cultural icon。
2.第二句包含两个谓语动词“发起”和“鼓励”,由于主语相同,处理成并列谓语即可,即译为Chairman Mao Zedong initiated...and encouraged...。
3.倒数第二句“雷锋精神也被赋予了……”宜采用现在完成时,表明对现在产生的影响。“雷锋精神也被赋予了鲜明的时代特色”是一个被动句,译为the spirit has also been endowed with…。
4.最后一句的主语是“人们”,基于短文讲述的主题是“雷锋精神”,故此处以“雷锋精神”为主语,将其处理成被动语态,即译成the spirit has been associated with…,能使行文更流畅。