[originaltext]W: Hey, Sam! [5]You should take a look at this article about Cana

游客2024-04-07  9

W: Hey, Sam! [5]You should take a look at this article about Canadian scorpions.
M: I didn’t know there were scorpions in Canada. I thought they only lived in deserts.
W: Well, the deadly kinds do. Like in Arizona and New Mexico.
M: I thought all scorpions were dangerous.
W: No, only about 25 kinds are deadly to humans. Actually there are over 1,500 different species. But only one lives in Canada.
M: Where in Canada? Not around here?
W: Well, mostly Saskatchewan and Alberta, [6]But yeah, right here in British Columbia too.
M: Is the Canadian kind poisonous?
W: Not for humans. Supposedly their sting is no worse than a bee’s. Anyway scorpions are all over the place. [7]They can live in just about any climate. In fact the only continent where they don’t live is Antarctica.
M: Why? Is it too cold there?
W: There must be other reasons.
M: Do tell me. My curiosity is aroused.
W: OK. According to this article, [7]scorpions can withstand conditions that’d probably kill most other animals. Scientists did all these experiments, like the scorpion was frozen in a block of ice for 3 weeks and when they melted the ice, it just walked away.
M: It was still alive?
W: Yeah. But what’s most amazing is that they also survived radiation levels 200 times higher than would kill a human. No wonder they’ve outlived the dinosaurs.
M: [8]Listen. I’ve got to run. But I’d really like a copy of that article.
W: [8]No problem. I’ll make one for you.
M: Thank you.
5. How did the woman learn about the scorpions in Canada?
6. Where do the two speakers probably live?
7. What did the scientific experiments show about the scorpions?
8. What will the woman do for the man?

选项 A、Copy the article about scorpions.
B、Have lunch with him.
C、Buy books about scorpions.
D、Go to Canada with him.

答案 A

解析 对话末尾,男子说他想要一份这篇关于蝎子的文章的复印件。女士答应帮他弄一份,可知A正确。