Innovation, the effective recipe of progress, has always cost people their j

游客2024-04-06  16

问题     Innovation, the effective recipe of progress, has always cost people their jobs. Over the past 30 years the digital revolution has【C1】______ many of the mid-skill jobs that supported 20th-century middle-class life. Typists, ticket agents, bank tellers and many production-line jobs have been【C2】______ with.
    For those who believe that technological progress has made the world a better place, such change is a natural part of rising【C3】______ . Although innovation kills some jobs, it creates new and better ones, as a more productive society becomes richer and its wealthier inhabitants【C4】______ more goods and services. A hundred years ago one in three American workers was employed on a farm. Today less than 2% of them produce far more food. The millions freed from the land were not delivered to joblessness, but found better-paid work as the economy grew more【C5】______ . Today the pool of secretaries has【C6】______ , but there are ever more computer programmers and web designers.
    Optimism remains the right starting-point, but for workers the dislocating (扰乱的) effects of technology may make themselves evident faster than its benefit. Even if new jobs and【C7】______ products emerge, in the short term income gaps will widen, causing huge social dislocation and perhaps even changing politics. Technology’s impact will feel like a tornado, hitting the rich world first, but【C8】______ sweeping through poorer countries too. Worse, it seems likely that this wave of technological【C9】______ to the job market has only just started. From driverless cars to clever household devices, innovations that already exist could destroy jobs that have【C10】______ been untouched.
A) prosperity E) partition I) conversely M) demand
B) dispensed F) eventually J) shrunk N) complicated
C) inquire G) sophisticated K) fragile O) hitherto
D) wonderful H) displaced L) disruption [br] 【C8】


答案 F

解析 空格所在部分是现在分词结构,sweeping与上文hitting并列,逻辑主语都是Technology’s impact。由上文修饰hitting the rich world的first“首先”,可知此处修饰sweeping…的副词应为eventually“终于,最后”,表示科技的影响首先冲击富裕世界。但最终也会扫荡贫穷的国家。