Offering Your Seat For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a sho

游客2024-04-05  9

问题 Offering Your Seat
     For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Offering Your Seat. You should start with a brief description of the picture, then explain its intended meaning, and express your views on it. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


答案     Offering Your Seat
    As can be seen in the picture, a young student is offering his seat to an elderly man. Passengers around, a middle-aged man and a mum with a baby, are complimentary about what the kid has done.
    The implied message of the picture is to encourage people to offer seats to those in need. This is the moral act expected by Chinese people, who are known for century-long tradition of caring for the elderly.
    In my opinion, offering seats in buses should be a choice welcomed and appreciated by the society, but not a forced decision by moral coercion. This news story is not exactly new to us: a young man declined the demand from an old man to offer his seat and they fought for it. To avoid this brutal scene, I think the elderly should understand that a rejection from the young is nothing personal. Maybe, the young man is indeed tired or sick. In this case, he is actually the one in need. Therefore, it is advisable to encourage the young to offer their seats at their choice, but not bully them into doing so by calling them "immoral" if they do not agree to our request.
