[originaltext]W: Hey, Sam! You should take a look at this article about Canadia

游客2024-04-02  7

W: Hey, Sam! You should take a look at this article about Canadian scorpions.
M: I didn’t know there were scorpions in Canada. I thought they only lived in deserts.
W: Well, the deadly kinds do. Like in Arizona and New Mexico.
M: I thought all scorpions were dangerous.
W: No, only about 25 kinds are deadly to humans. Actually there are over 1,500 different species. But only one lives in Canada.
M: Where in Canada? Not around here?
W: Well, mostly Saskatchewan and Alberta. But yeah, right here in British Columbia too.
M: Is the Canadian kind poisonous?
W: Not for humans. Supposedly their sting is no worse than a bee’s. Anyway scorpions are all over the place. They can live in just about any climate. In fact the only continent where they don’t live is Antarctica.
M: Why? Is it too cold there?
W: There must be other reasons.
M: Do tell me. My curiosity is aroused.
W: OK According to this article, scorpions can withstand conditions that’d probably kill most other animals. Scientists did all these experiments, like the scorpion was frozen in a block of ice for 3 weeks and when they melted the ice, it just walked away.
M: It was still alive?
W: Yeah. But what’s most amazing is that they also survived radiation levels 200 times higher than would kill a human. No wonder they’ve outlived the dinosaurs.
M: Listen. I’ve got to run. But I’d really like a copy of that article.
W:[8]No problem. I’ll make one for you.
M: Thank you.
5 How did the woman learn about the scorpions in Canada?
6 Where do the two speakers probably live?
7 What did the scientific experiments show about the scorpions?
8 What will the woman do for the man?

选项 A、From a special seminar.
B、From a cultural documentary.
C、From what she just read.
D、From her Canadian friend.

答案 C

解析 ①选项均以From开头,因此推断题目问来源。②女士在对话一开始就开门见山地说:“你应该看一下这篇关于加拿大蝎子的文章。”故C正确。