Xu Hong, one of your friends, failed in the last CET-6 and is upset. Write a

游客2024-04-02  4

问题    Xu Hong, one of your friends, failed in the last CET-6 and is upset. Write a letter to him.


答案    Dear Xu Hong,
   I am so sorry to learn of the unfortunate news that you failed in the last CET-6. I hope you won’t feel too discouraged by the result. You know you could have done better had you not been sick during the test day.
   You know there will always be another chance to take CET-6. You are just a sophomore now, and you still have plenty of time to prepare for it. For now, just forget about the test and cheer up. You have more important things to do, such as term paper and final examinations.
   If there is anything I can do, please feel free to let me know.
                                                                Sincerely yours,
                                                                     Wang Yun

解析 第一段:表达遗憾,委婉地指出失败原因。