[originaltext]M: Hi, Janet, where were you at lunch time? I was saving a seat f
[originaltext]M: Hi, Janet, where were you at lunch time? I was saving a seat f
M: Hi, Janet, where were you at lunch time? I was saving a seat for you in the cafeteria.
W: Oh, sorry to miss you. But my thirst for knowledge was greater than my pains of hunger.
M: I never had that problem. So where were you?
W: My political science class ran overtime.
M: That’s been happening quite a bit lately, hasn’t it?
W: I guess so. Actually, what happens is that a bunch of us hang around for a while after class to talk with our professor and ask him questions.
M: Who is this twenty-first century Socrates?
W: Professor Howl.
M: No wonder.
W: Have you ever heard of him?
M: Mh, he does have a good reputation in the political science department and I heard many people speak highly of him.
W: And a well deserved one. The same students who fall asleep in discussion groups and seminars fight for front-row seats in his lectures.
M: Oh, no. I hope this isn’t catching.
W: You can joke. But it’s great to have a professor who’s not only interesting but prepared to give up time for students.
M: I know. They are a rare breed. Maybe I should sit in on his class sometime. Do you think he’d care?
W: Not at all.[8]Lots of students bring their friends, and he says he feels flattered.
M: Well, just to be on the safe side. I think I’ll bring my lunch along as well.
W: I’ll make a good student of you.
5 Why did the woman fail to have lunch with the man?
6 How do the two speakers evaluate Professor Howl?
7 What does the man probably plan to do?
8 How does Professor Howl feel about visitors at his lectures?
A、He is unable to prevent students from fighting.
B、He is popular for his devotion to teaching.
C、His lectures are hard to understand.
D、He is ignorant of his students’ health.
①选项涉及teaching、lectures、his students,由此可推测本题询问的是对老师的评价。②女士说:“在讨论组和研讨会上睡觉的学生在他的课上却争抢前排的座位。”“有一位既有趣又愿意把时间奉献给学生的老师真的很好。”由此可以判断出B为答案。
病毒与其他微生物的根本区别在于病毒()。A.可通过细菌滤器 B.寄生在易感的
九味羌活汤证的病因病机是A、风邪在表,卫强营弱,营卫不和 B、风寒湿邪,困束肌
享有优先认股权的股东的选择有(). Ⅰ.认购新发行的普通股票Ⅱ.将该权利转让
A.首剂减半量 B.隔日疗法 C.每晚睡前1次给药 D.早晨1次顿服 E
当行政行为违法时,下列选项中,除()外,都拥有撤销权。A.人民法院. B.
现代意义上的结算机构的产生地是()。A.美国芝加哥 B.英国伦敦 C.法国
下列金融工具中,属于短期金融工具的是()。A.公司债券 B.股票 C.大额可