[originaltext]M: [1] Do you mind taking my photo with the statue over there? I

游客2024-03-11  8

M: [1] Do you mind taking my photo with the statue over there? I think it will make a great shot.
W: Sure. No worries. You’ re always taking photos. What do you do with all the photos you take?
M: Well, don’t laugh. [2] My dream is to become an online celebrity of sorts.
W: You’re not serious, are you?
M: I am, completely. I just got the idea a few months ago after posting some holiday photos on my social media accounts. A lot of people like my photos and started asking me for travel tips. So I figured I’ d give it a go. I post a lot on social media anyway, so I’ ve got nothing to lose.
W: I guess that’ s true. So what do you have to do to become Internet famous?
M: Surprisingly, a lot more than I did as a hobby. [3] Recently, I’ ve been spending a lot more time editing photos, posting online and clearing storage on my phone. It’ s always full now.
W: That doesn’ t sound like too much work.
M: Well, there’ s more to it. I spent all last weekend researching what topics are popular, what words to use in captions and similar accounts to follow. It really was a lot to take in. And I was up well past midnight. I’ d say it’ s paying off though. I increased the number of people following my accounts by fifteen percent already.
W: That is impressive, I guess I never thought much about all the effort behind the scene. [4] Now that I think about it, there’ s always something wrong with my photos as it is, half smiles, closed eyes, messy hair. I hope you have better luck than I do. Then, again, I think the only person interested in my photos is my mum.
Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
1. What does the man ask the woman to do?
2. What does the man dream of?
3. What has the man been busy doing recently?
4. What does the woman say about her photos?

选项 A、Stop worrying about him.
B、Keep away from the statue.
C、Take a picture of him.
D、Put on a smile for the photo.

答案 C

解析 题干问的是男士请求女士做什么。对话开头男士问女士是否介意给他拍一张和雕像合影的照片,故答案为C(给他拍一张照片)。A项(不要担心他)、B项(离雕像远点)和D项(拍照时微笑)在对话中均未提及,故排除。