Steel is valued for its reliability, but not when it gets cold. Most forms of

游客2024-03-11  4

问题    Steel is valued for its reliability, but not when it gets cold. Most forms of steel【C1】______become brittle (脆的) at temperatures below about -25℃ unless they are mixed with other metals. Now, though, a novel type of steel has been developed that resists【C2】______at much lower temperatures, while retaining its strength and toughness—without the need for expensive【C3】______.
   Steel’s fragility at low temperatures first became a major concern during the Second World War. After German U-boats torpedoed (用鱼雷攻击) numerous British ships, a 2,700-strong fleet of cheap- and-cheerful "Liberty ships" was introduced to replace the lost vessels, providing a lifeline for the【C4】______British. But the steel shells of hundreds of the ships【C5】______in the icy north Atlantic, and 12 broke in half and sank.
   Brittleness remains a problem when building steel structures in cold conditions, such as oil rigs in the Arctic. So scientists have【C6】______to find a solution by mixing it with expensive metals such as nickel.
   Yuuji Kimura and colleagues in Japan tried a more physical【C7】______. Rather than adding other metals, they developed a complex mechanical process involving repeated heating and very severe mechanical deformation, known as tempforming.
   The resulting steel appears to achieve a combination of strength and toughness that is【C8】______to that of modern steels that are very rich in alloy content and, therefore, very expensive.
   Kimura’s team intends to use its tempformed steel to make ultra-high strength parts, such as bolts. They hope to reduce both the number of【C9】______needed in a construction job and their weight—by replacing solid supports with【C10】______tubes, for example. This could reduce the amount of steel needed to make everything from automobiles to buildings and bridges.
   A) abruptly I) cracked
   B) additives J) fractures
   C) approach K) hollow
   D) ardently L) relevant
   E) besieged M) reshuffled
   F) channel N) strived
   G) comparable O) violent
   H) components [br] 【C9】


答案 H

解析 名词辨析题。空格前面是介词of,后面是分词结构needed in a construction job作后置定语,因此,空格处应填入名词形式作介词of的宾语。由number和their weight可知,此处需要填入的应该是可数名词复数形式。短文最后一句提到,这将减少从汽车到建筑和桥梁等一切制造所需的钢材。因此,此处是说木村希望减少建筑工作所需材料的数量和重量。空格处所填名词表达的应该是“原材料”或“零件,部件”之类的意思,由此确定,本题答案为H)components“(机器、系统等的)零件,组成部分”。其他备选名词均与此处要表达的意思不符,故排除。