[originaltext]Hello, viewers. Today I’m standing at a 2,000-year-old Roman-era

游客2024-03-11  16

Hello, viewers. Today I’m standing at a 2,000-year-old Roman-era site. Here, the brightly colored scenes that once decorated a mansion are being dug up. These scenes are turning up in the southern French city of Arles, surprising the historians who have been working here since 2014. Patches of paint still cling to the stone walls of a bedroom and reception hall. Some of these painted walls are preserved in places to a height of one meter. In addition, thousands of fragments that fell off the walls have been recovered. These pieces have been put back together with great care and display a variety of images. Some of these images include figures never seen before in France, such as a woman playing a stringed instrument, possibly a character from mythology.
The paintings were done with such skill and with such expensive dyes that experts believe the artists originally came from Italy. They were likely hired by one of the city’s elite. Perhaps a Roman official wanted Pompeii-like interior to remind him of home. He was probably stationed in this provincial trading port, founded in 46 BC as a colony for veterans of the Roman army. Or maybe a wealthy local wanted to show off his worldly sophistication. The paintings may yield even more stunning surprises as additional sections are put together like pieces of a puzzle. Whoever it was that created such magnificent pieces of art, they surely had no idea that their work would still be around thousands of years later.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.
12. Where is the speaker standing?
13. What do the thousands of fragments display when they are put back together?
14. What makes experts think the paintings were done by artists from Italy?
15. What do we learn from the passage about the owner of the mansion?

选项 A、The originality and expertise shown.
B、The worldly sophistication displayed.
C、The stunning images vividly depicted.
D、The impressive skills and costly dyes.

答案 D

解析 短文中提到,这些绘画作品有着高超的技巧,而且所使用的颜料也非常昂贵,因此专家们认为绘制这些作品的艺术家来自意大利。因此答案为D)。