羊是一种本性温顺(docile)、易于管理的动物。从岩画(rock painting)上原始人镌刻的形态各异的羊的形象中,我们可以看出人类与羊的亲善、和谐关

游客2024-03-11  14

问题   羊是一种本性温顺(docile)、易于管理的动物。从岩画(rock painting)上原始人镌刻的形态各异的羊的形象中,我们可以看出人类与羊的亲善、和谐关系。羊为人们的生活或祭祀而牺牲,是“有(personal loyalty)之物”。羔羊似乎情得母亲的艰辛与不易,所以吃奶时是跪着的。羔羊的“跪乳”被人们赋予了“孝顺”和“懂礼”的意义。据文献记载,人们很早就把羊的美德视为人的道德准则和榜样,这反映了人们对羊的精神感受和对羊的秉性的人格化概括。


答案   The sheep is an animal that is docile in nature and easy to manage. From the sheep images of various shapes on the rock paintings carved by primitive men, we can see the good and harmonious relationship between human beings and sheep. Sheep sacrifice their lives for people’s living or worship, and therefore are deemed to embrace personal loyalty. The lamb seems to know the hardship of its mother, sucking the breast on its knees. Such behavior is considered to have symbolic meanings of filial piety and courtesy. According to the documents, people have long regarded these virtues of sheep as a moral code and example for human beings, which is a reflection of people’s feeling toward sheep and a personalized summary of sheep’s nature.

解析       1.第一句的主干是“羊是…动物。”翻译时可将“本性温顺、易于管理的”处理为定语从句。
      3.第五句中的“孝顺”和“懂礼”可分别译成filial piety和courtesy。4.第六句中的“羊的美德”指的就是上文中的“有义”“孝顺”和“懂礼”,因此在翻译时可增译these,使之与前文中的行为联系起来。