[originaltext]W: Your name Sanjay Kumar, is that correct?M: Yes, madam.W: You

游客2024-03-10  6

W: Your name Sanjay Kumar, is that correct?
M: Yes, madam.
W: You claim you are traveling on a scholarship from Delhi University.
M: That’s right.
W: Now it seems that a handgun was found in your luggage. Do you admit that?
M: Yes, but...
W: According to the statement you made, you had never seen the handgun before it was found in your bag. Do you still maintain that?
M: But it’s true. I swear it.
W: Mmm, you do realize, Mr. Kumar, that to bring a handgun into Hong Kong without proper authorization is a serious offense.
M: But I didn’t bring it. I ... I mean I didn’t know anything about it. It wasn’t there when I left Delhi. My bags were searched. It was part of the airport security check.
W: Maybe so, but someone managed to get that handgun onto the aircraft or it couldn’t have been there.
M: Someone but not me.
W: Tell me, where was your personal bag during the flight?
M: I had it down by my feet between me and the man in the next seat.
M: He was the only person who could have opened my bag while I was asleep. It must have been him.
W:I see. Have you any idea who this man was?
M: He told me his name, Alfred Foster. He was very friendly, after I woke up, that is. He hadn’t spoken before.
W: Alfred Foster, we can check that on the passenger list.
M: He said he had a car coming to meet him. He offered me a lift.
W: Oh, Why should he do that?
M: So he can get his handgun back, that’s why. Please find him, Madam.
Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
5. What is Sanjay Kumar suspected of?
6. Where was Sanjay Kumar’s personal bag during the flight?
7. What do we know about Alfred Foster?
8. What does Sanjay Kumar ask the woman to do finally?

选项 A、Smuggling drugs into Hong Kong.
B、Having committed armed robbery.
C、Stealing a fellow passenger’s bag.
D、Bringing a handgun into Hong Kong.

答案 D

解析 浏览选项,考生可以推测对话是关于某一种触犯法律的行为的;同时选项中出现了Sanjay Kumar 和Alfred Foster 两个人名,考生要注意他们各自做了什么事。对话中间,女士说:未经允许、无授权携带枪支进入香港是触犯法律的。由此可以判断D)为正确答案。