[originaltext] Americans who remember "the good old days" are not alone in c
[originaltext] Americans who remember "the good old days" are not alone in c
Americans who remember "the good old days" are not alone in complaining about the educational system in this country. Immigrants complain, too. Lately a German friend was filled with anger when he learned that the first mathematics test given to his son as a college freshman included multiplication and division. Japanese businessmen in Los Angeles send their children to private schools staffed by teachers imported from Japan who teach mathematics at more advanced level.
But I wonder If American education is so poor, why is it that this is still the country of innovation? When I was 12 in Indonesia, I had to memorize the name of all the world’s major cities. At the same age, my son, who was brought up a Californian, thought that Buenos Aires was Spanish for good food. However, unlike children of his age in Asia and Europe, my son had studied creative geography. When he was only 6, he drew a map of the route that he traveled to get to school, including the streets, the traffic signs and the houses that he passed. Dissatisfied American parents forget that in this country their children are able to experiment freely with ideas: without this they will not be able to think or to believe in themselves. Critics of American education cannot grasp one thing: freedom. America, I think, is the only country that extends even to children the license to freely speak, write and be creative. Our public education is not perfect, but it is better than any other.
9. Who is dissatisfied with the quality of American education?
10. What does the speaker wonder?
11. What do we know about American children from this passage?
A、Do present-day children learn less than their forefathers in the good old days?
B、Why do Japanese businessmen send their children to Japanese-staffed schools?
C、Why can’t American children memorize enough geographic information?
D、Is American education really worse than education in other countries?
全断面法可用于()围岩的中小跨度隧道。A.I~Ⅱ级 B.I~Ⅲ级 C.Ⅱ~
参与淋巴细胞归巢的黏附分子是:A、CD44 B、L-选择素 C、CLA D
衰退期财务战略是( )。A.积极扩张型 B.吸纳权益资本筹集 C.
《反不正当竞争法》不禁止的行为是( )。A:假冒行为 B:虚假的宣传行为
与氟尿嘧啶抗肿瘤机制有关的是A:阻止肌苷酸转化,干扰嘌呤代谢 B:抑制脱氧胸苷
A.苯丙素低聚体 B.去甲木脂素 C.木脂素 D.新木脂素 E.杂木脂素
职业责任保险的承保方式,包括()。 A.以索赔为基础的承保方式 B.以
当实际期指低于无套利区间的下界时,反向套利才能够获利。( )
A.卫生行政部门或单位给予处分 B.医疗机构依法承担赔偿 C.工商行政部门吊