Is science infinite? Can it keep giving us profound insights into the world
Is science infinite? Can it keep giving us profound insights into the world
Is science infinite? Can it keep giving us profound insights into the world forever? Or is it already bumping into limits? In his 2011 book The Beginning of Infinity physicist David Deutsch made the case for boundlessness. When I asked him about consciousness, he replied: "I think nothing worth understanding will always remain a mystery. And consciousness seems apparently worth understanding. "
At a meeting I just attended in Switzerland, "The Mystery of Human Consciousness," another famous British physicist, Martin Rees, challenged Deutsch’s optimism. In that essay Rees calls The Beginning of Infinity "provocative and excellent" but disputes Deutsch’s central claim that science is boundless. Science "will hit the buffers (缓冲区) at some point," Rees warns.
There are two reasons why this might happen. The optimistic one is that we clean up and understand certain areas (such as atomic physics) to the point that there’s no more to say. A second, more worrying possibility is that we’ll reach the limits of what our brains can grasp. There might be concepts, crucial to a full understanding of physical reality. Efforts to understand very complex systems, such as our own brains, might well be the first to hit such limits.
Perhaps complex collectives of atoms, whether brains or electronic machines, can never know all there is to know about themselves.
The riddle of consciousness is a synecdoche for the riddle of humanity. What we, really? For most of our history, religion has given us the answer. Most modern scientists reject these religious explanations, but they cannot agree on an alternative. They have proposed a bewildering variety of answers to the question of what we really are.
Science will never resolve these disagreements and converge on a single, true theory of what we are, for two reasons. One is that we will never have a "consciousness meter," an objective means of measuring consciousness in non-human things. The other is that we are too varying, too creative, to be captured by a single theory. Science itself keeps transforming us. with technologies as diverse as brain implants, genetic therapy and ideas as diverse as queer theory and integrated information theory. To be human means to be a work in progress.
Deutsch’s claim that science is infinite also has a contradiction at its core. He wants science to solve the deepest mysteries, like consciousness, and yet to have more mysteries to solve, forever. That is a radical assertion about the structure of nature, which to my mind reflects wishful thinking rather than hardheaded realism.
Deutsch is both wrong and right. He is wrong that science can solve every mystery, and especially consciousness. We will never understand, once and for all, who we are. But Deutsch is right that science is potentially infinite, if infinite means never-ending. It is precisely because we can never achieve total self-knowledge that we will keep seeking it forever. [br] According to the author, the riddle of consciousness________.
A、has been properly worked out by religious theories
B、is made more perplexing by modern science
C、will be solved in science’s debate against religion
D、is the utmost challenge of human understanding
A.放松法 B.缓慢呼吸 C.体位引流 D.暗示呼吸法 E.缩唇呼气法慢
引起水痘的病原体是:()A.水痘病毒 B.腺病毒 C.柯萨奇病
下列关于表面活性剂的叙述正确的是A:表面活性剂都有昙点 B:阴离子型表面活性剂
从所给的四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性: A.如
下列没有语病的一项是()。 A老主任再三解释,才使他怒气逐渐平息。
患者月经量多如崩,突然面色苍白,四肢厥冷,大汗淋漓,此属A.气血两虚证 B.气
关于道德,准确的说法是()。 (A)道德就是做好人好事 (