
游客2024-03-09  13

问题     汉语是中国各民族人民使用的语言。也是联合国的一种官方语言和工作语言。它是世界上使用最多的语言。它的历史可以追溯到六千年前。近年来,全球许多地方都兴起了汉语学习热潮,越来越多的外国人加入到学习汉语的队伍中。人数超过3000万。此外,全世界一百多个国家的2600余所大学都开设了汉语课程。这股汉语学习热可以归功于中国文明悠久的历史和辉煌的成就。也归功于30年来中国经济的快速发展。


答案     Chinese is a language used by people of all ethnic groups in China and is an official and working language within the United Nations. It is the most used language in the world, and its history dates back 6,000 years. In recent years, Chinese learning craze has emerged in many places around the world. More and more foreigners have joined in learning Chinese with the number over 30 million. Moreover, over 2,500 universities in more than 100 countries have already offered the Chinese language course. This Chinese learning craze is attributable to the long history and splendid achievements of the Chinese civilization as well as to China’s rapid economic growth over the past three decades.
