[originaltext]M: Hi, Ann! Welcome back! How was your trip to the States?W: Ver

游客2024-03-08  8

M: Hi, Ann! Welcome back! How was your trip to the States?
W: Very busy. [5] I had a lot of meetings, so, of course. I didn’t have much time to see New York.
M: What a pity! Actually, I’ll have a trip there myself next week.
W: Do you? Then take my advice, do the well-being in the air program. It really works.
M: Oh, I read about that in a magazine. You say it works?
W: Yes, [6] I did the program on the flight to the States, and when I arrived in New York, [6] I didn’t have any problem, no jet lag at all. On the way back. I didn’t do it. and I felt terrible.
M: You’re joking!
W: Not at all, it really made a lot of difference.
M: Em. So, [7] what did you do?
W: Well, [7] I didn’t drink any alcohol or coffee, and I didn’t eat any meat or rich food. I drank a lot of water, and fruit juice, and I ate the meals on the well-being menu. They’re lighter. They have fish, vegetables, and noodles, for example, and I did some of the exercises in the program.
M: Exercises? On a plane?
W: Yes. I didn’t do many, of course. There isn’t much space on a plane.
M: [8] How many passengers did the exercises?
W: [8] Not many.
M: And how much champagne did they drink?
W: A lot! It was more popular than mineral water.
M: So, basically, it’s a choice. Mineral water and exercises, or champagne and jet lag.
W: That’s right! It’s a difficult choice.
5. Why did the woman go to New York?
6. What does the woman say about the well-being in the air program?
7. What did the woman do to follow the wellbeing menu?
8. What did the woman say about other passengers?

选项 A、Many of them found it difficult to exercise on a plane.
B、Many of them were concerned with their well-being.
C、Not many of them chose to do what she did.
D、Not many of them understood the program.

答案 C

解析 选项的主语都~(not) many of them,猜测本题问them做了什么。听到男士问“How many people did the exercises?”时,要注意听回答。女士说“没有多少人”做这个运动,故答案是C。