In 30 years, your shoes will be smarter than you. That’s not meant to be an

游客2024-03-08  10

问题     In 30 years, your shoes will be smarter than you. That’s not meant to be an insult but rather what Masayoshi Son believes will be the case as robots outnumber humans and exceed their intelligence in just three decades. " One of the chips in our shoes in the next 30 years will be smarter than our brain. We will be less than our shoes. And we are stepping on them," the chairman and CEO of Japan’s SoftBank Group chuckled.
    Son was talking up the concept of "singularity (奇点,奇异)," that is when the artificial intelligence built into computers, connected Internet of Things objects and the cloud will surpass that of the human brain.
    As robots gain that same level of intelligence, the societal impact is likely to be profound. Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban recently tweeted that "Automation is going to cause unemployment and we need to prepare for it. " And Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates recently said in an interview that robots that take over a job formerly done by a real live person should be taxed at the same level as that human.
    Softbank’s Son notes that today, an average IQ for a person is around 100. If you’re an Einstein or Da Vinci your IQ is around 200 marks, and you’re considered a genius. In contrast, Son believes Al-infused (灌输,充满) computers will eventually have an IQ of 10,000. " This burst of superintelligence," he says, "is going to become a reality. " And this intelligence will make its way into all sorts of IOT devices, robots, cars and up in the cloud.
    According to Son, a population of smart robots will exceed the population of mankind over this 30-year timeframe. Such brainy robots will make up all sizes and shapes. Some will fly, some will swim, some will have two legs, some will have hundreds of legs.
    SoftBank is also spending a lot of time focused on security. There were 128 billion cyberattacks last year, 4.5 times the year before. "The number (of hacks) is exponentially (以指数方式) growing, so we have to be very careful," Son says. He played a video during his remarks demonstrating how hackers could steer a connected vehicle or prevent the brakes from working. To combat such threats, the company recently announced that it is putting new encrypted (编码,加密) security features into the microcontroller chips that go into cars and IOT devices.
    Some scholars at Oxford came up with 12 risks mat threaten human intelligence, such things as nuclear war, global pandemics (流行病) and so forth. Artificial intelligence made the list too. But AI can also be the solution for the other crises, Son says. "If we misuse it, it’s a risk. If we use it in good spirit, it will be our partner for a better life. " [br] The remarks of Mark Cuban and Bill Gates demonstrate that________.

选项 A、social reforms are in urgent need in response to AI
B、automation and AI are likely to fuel social conflicts
C、new technology poses threats to human labor force
D、automation opens up broader ways of tax revenue

答案 A

解析 由题干中的Mark Cuban和Bill Gates定位至第三段第二、三句推理判断题。定位句中,马克.库班指出自动化将引发失业,号召为此做好准备;而比尔.盖茨则说,占据人类工作岗位的机器人,应该按照人类的标准来征税。这些都是人工智能可能带来的社会影响,二者都建议采取相应的改革措施来予以适应,故答案为A)。