A herd of Kashmir goats have invaded a Welsh seaside town after the coronavi

游客2024-03-07  3

问题     A herd of Kashmir goats have invaded a Welsh seaside town after the coronavirus lockdown (冠状病毒造成的封锁) left the streets deserted.
    The animals, who normally roam free on a nearby headland standing out into the Irish Sea, have instead wandered into Llandudno where they have spent the past three days feasting on garden hedges and flowers.
    Like other countries affected by the global coronavirus crisis, Britain has imposed strict social distancing measures including shop and school closures, and the authorities are asking everyone to stay at home except for essential travel.
    With the streets of Llandudno unnaturally quiet, the goats have been free to wander the streets undisturbed.
    Town councillor Carol Marubbi said the goats didn’t normally come into town unless the weather was awful, but on this occasion she said they probably realised something unusual was going on because there were so few people around. "I think they’re probably feeling a bit lonely and they have come down to have a look around," she told Reuters by telephone.
    Kashmir goats have lived on the headland near Llandudno since the days of Queen Victoria, when the species became popular in Britain due to a fashion for shawls made from their soft cashmere wool.
    Marubbi said the herd of about 150 goats, some of whom had kids in February, were a well-known local attraction and most residents did not mind having their hedges eaten by them."I’m a big fan," she said. "I love them because they are characters."
    With millions of people stuck at home sharing light-hearted content online to alleviate the boredom of the lockdown, images and video of the goats wandering around the streets were a hit on social media.
    "Just love this. Looks like they are definitely in charge," wrote Sue Foster, a former primary school head teacher.
    Andrew Stuart, a video producer for the Manchester Evening News, has been posting videos of the furry adventurers online and they are attracting hundreds of thousands of viewers.
    "There’s no one around at the moment, because of the lockdown, so they take their chances and go as far as they can. And they are going further and further into the town," Stuart told the Associated Press from his parents’ pub in Llandudno, where he is waiting out the pandemic (流行病) .
    His videos show the goats munching on (用力咀嚼) people’s neatly trimmed hedges and trees in front yards and wandering casually empty streets as if they own the place.
    "One of the videos shows that they were on a narrow side street and I was on the other side and they were scared of me. They were moving slowly and carefully away from me. So they are still scared of people," Stuart said. [br] What do we learn about Andrew Stuart?

选项 A、He is living in his parents’ house now.
B、He used to be a primary school head teacher.
C、He is working for the Associated Press.
D、He posted the videos of goats online.

答案 D

解析 根据题干中的信息词Andrew Stuart,可以把答题线索定位到倒数第四段。倒数第四段提到,《曼彻斯特晚间新闻》的视频制作人安德鲁.斯图尔特一直在网上发布这些毛茸茸的冒险家的视频,吸引了成千上万的观众,由此可知,安德鲁.斯图尔特在网上发布了野山羊的视频,随后视频走红,故本题应选D。斯图尔特目前正居住在父母的酒馆里,故排除A,他是《曼彻斯特晚间新闻》的视频制作人,故排除B;文中提及苏.福斯特是前小学校长,而并没说斯图尔特以前是小学校长,故排除C。