It’s normal to think of a conversation as taking place between people who ar

游客2024-03-07  7

问题     It’s normal to think of a conversation as taking place between people who are in the same room, surrounded by the same set of physical objects and influences, and aware of each other’s facial and bodily gestures. When this is not so, the difference is【C1】________by using another term for what is going on "telephone conversation" for instance. As a consequence of their situation, conversationalists (交谈者) are able to place a great deal of【C2】________on the immediately surrounding bit of the world—what may be called the "extra-linguistic context" in their【C3】________to communicate with each other: a raised eyebrow, a【C4】________movement, a glance towards some person or thing, may "say" a great deal without the need for any words at all. Thus, to anyone listening at a keyhole, and so【C5】________of the contextual cues, the language being used may well sound【C6】________incomplete, and probably difficult to hear at times, because of the great changes of speed and loudness that can so easily be used by people sitting or standing【C6】________close to each other.
    Conversationalists will also, as a rule, be relaxed and not unduly worried about the【C7】________they are creating unlike the lecturer, or the person【C7】________an interview. Slips and errors of grammar will be frequent, and will bother no-one: they certainly form an expected part of conversation, and perhaps even a welcome one, because to talk too smoothly and correctly is to run the risk of sounding like a book and no one likes to talk to a book. Similarly, slight carelessness of pronunciation will be common, and few people will bother to go in for the "tidying up" of speech, or the adoption of an unusually "posh" accent that is sometimes【C8】________in circumstances where it is thought necessary to "create impression".
    A) straightforward   F) recognized      K) attempt
    B) noticeable        G) accused         L) undergoing
    C) deprived          H) impression      M) reliance
    D) reference         I) illustrating    N) consequently
    E) relatively        J) slight          O) inexplicit [br] 【C7】


答案 E

解析 分析句子主干可知,该空位于前面的动词stand和后边的短语close to each other之间,因此可以断定这里缺少一个副词,修饰close。符合上述语法条件的副词有三个:straightforward意为“直截了当地”,relatively意为“相对地”,consequently意为“因此,所以”。此处应是表达“站得相对较近”,故可以判断答案是E。