Do you wander aimlessly through life, taking each day as it comes? A new res

游客2024-03-07  9

问题     Do you wander aimlessly through life, taking each day as it comes? A new research shows that at any age, having a sense of purpose could add your lifespan.
    The research suggests that creating a purpose for yourself could【C1】________healthy ageing throughout adulthood. "Our findings find that setting important goals for life can actually help you live longer, regardless of when you’ll find your purpose," says lead researcher Dr. Patrick Hill.
    Purposejulness (目标性) has【C2】________been found to be one of the strongest predictors of longevity, but this is the first study in which this effect was studied specially.
    Hill【C3】________data from a large-scale longitudinal (持续性的) study of health conducted in the US amongst adults between the ages of 20 and 75. As a measure for the level of purpose in life, the researchers used the scores participants had given when【C4】________themselves against three statements: "Some people【C5】________aimlessly through life, but I am not one of them"; "I live life one day at a time and don’t really think about the future"; and "I sometimes feel as if I’ve done all there is to do in life".
    Fourteen years after filling in this【C6】________9% participants had passed away. Those【C7】________had scored significantly higher on self-reported purpose in life, which surprisingly consistent across all age groups. And this shows the【C8】________of finding a purpose at any stage in adult life.
    It is still unknown through which mechanisms a sense of purpose may increase a person’s life【C9】________It is possible that those with a clear purpose could be getting more physical exercise, or enjoying the benefits of 【C10】________their goals regularly.
    A) achieving   E) hopefully    I) previously     M) remote
    B) alive       F) indifferent  J) promote        N) significance
    C) examined    G) introduced   K) questionnaire  O) wander
    D) expectancy  H) presumably   L) rating [br] 【C8】


答案 N

解析 名词辨义题。根据空格前的shows the和空格后的of…可以判断,此处需要填入一个名词。空格所在的句子承接前文,而前文中陈述了在曾经参与调查的人中,那些依然活着的人在生活有目标方面得分更高,由此可以推知该句说的是这项研究表明了找到生活目标的重要性,备选词汇中significance(重要性)符合此处语境,故选N。