[originaltext] Drinking a few cups of coffee a day may help people avoid clo
[originaltext] Drinking a few cups of coffee a day may help people avoid clo
Drinking a few cups of coffee a day may help people avoid clogged arteries—a known risk factor for heart disease—Korean researchers believe.
They studied more than 25000 male and female employees who underwent routine health checks.
Employees who drank three to five cups a day were less likely to have early signs of heart disease on their medical scans.
The findings reopen the debate about whether coffee is good for the heart.
There is a lot of confusion when it comes to the effect of coffee on heart health.
Some studies have linked consumption to heart risk factors, such as raised cholesterol or blood pressure, while others suggest the beverage may offer some heart protection.
But there is no conclusive evidence either way, and the latest research published in the journal Heart only adds to the discussion.
In the study, the researchers used medical scans to assess heart health. Specifically, they were looking for any disease of the arteries supplying the heart—the coronary arteries.
In coronary heart disease, the coronary arteries become clogged by the gradual build-up of fatty material within their walls.
The scan the researchers used looks for tiny deposits of calcium in the walls of the coronary arteries to provide an early clue that this disease process may be occurring.
None of the employees included in the Korean study had outward signs of heart disease, but more than one in ten of them were found to have visible calcium deposits on their scans.
The researchers then compared the scan results with the employees’ selfcreported daily coffee consumption, while taking into account other potential heart risk factors such as smoking and family history of heart problems.
People who drank a few cups of coffee a day were less likely to have calcium deposits in their coronary arteries than people who drank more than this or no coffee at all.
The study authors say more research is needed to confirm and explain the link. Coffee contains the stimulant caffeine, as well as numerous other compounds, but it’s not clear if these might cause good or harm to the body.
Questions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.
23. Which of the following is in accord with Korean researchers’ belief?
24. What were the researchers specifically looking for when assessing heart health?
25. What other potential heart risk factors have been taken into account in the study?
A、The disease of coronary arteries.
B、The blood circulation of the heart.
C、Medical scans.
D、The heart rate.
全断面法可用于()围岩的中小跨度隧道。A.I~Ⅱ级 B.I~Ⅲ级 C.Ⅱ~
参与淋巴细胞归巢的黏附分子是:A、CD44 B、L-选择素 C、CLA D
衰退期财务战略是( )。A.积极扩张型 B.吸纳权益资本筹集 C.
《反不正当竞争法》不禁止的行为是( )。A:假冒行为 B:虚假的宣传行为
与氟尿嘧啶抗肿瘤机制有关的是A:阻止肌苷酸转化,干扰嘌呤代谢 B:抑制脱氧胸苷
A.苯丙素低聚体 B.去甲木脂素 C.木脂素 D.新木脂素 E.杂木脂素
职业责任保险的承保方式,包括()。 A.以索赔为基础的承保方式 B.以
当实际期指低于无套利区间的下界时,反向套利才能够获利。( )
A.卫生行政部门或单位给予处分 B.医疗机构依法承担赔偿 C.工商行政部门吊