A study investigating detrimental internet use by adolescents has recently b

游客2024-03-07  8

问题     A study investigating detrimental internet use by adolescents has recently been conducted in Finland. Adolescents’ net use is a two-edged sword: while the consequences of【C1】________use are positive, the effects of compulsive use can be detrimental. Compulsive use【C2】________among other things, gaming addiction or the constant monitoring of likes on social media and comparisons to others.
    In the coronavirus period, loneliness has increased【C3】________among adolescents. They look for a sense of belonging from the internet. Lonely adolescents head to the internet and are at risk of becoming addicted. Internet addiction can further【C4】________their malaise (不适), such as depression.
    The risk of being drawn into problematic internet use was at its highest among 16-year-old adolescents, with the phenomenon being more common among boys. For some, the problem【C5】________into adulthood, but for others it eases up as they grow older. The【C6】________of problematic internet use is often associated with adolescent development where their self-regulation and control improve, their brains adapt and assignments related to education direct their attention.
    Fortunately, problematic internet use is adaptive and often changes in late adolescence and during the【C7】________to adulthood. It was found in the study that the household climate and parenting also matter; the children of distant parents have a higher risk of【C8】________into detrimental internet use. If parents are not very interested in the lives of their adolescents, the latter may have difficulty drawing the lines for their actions.
    In the study participants, compulsive internet use had a【C9】________to depression. Depression predicted problematic internet use, while problematic use further increased depressive symptoms. Additionally, problematic use was predictive of poorer academic success, which may be associated with the fact that internet use consumes a great deal of time and can disrupt adolescents’ sleep rhythm and recovery, consequently eating up the time【C10】________for academic effort and performance.
    A) aggravate   F) denotes   K) merging
    B) appropriate G) drifting  L) moderate
    C) available   H) impact    M) persists
    D) basically   I) link      N) reduction
    E) degenerates J) markedly  O) transition [br] 【C3】


答案 J

解析 副词辨析题。空格所在的句子主干完整,可推知此处缺少一个副词修饰谓语动词。空格所在段提到孤独的青少年从网络中寻找归属感,并有染上网瘾的危险,从而进一步加重抑郁症等不适症状。由段落大意可推断,此处是指青少年的孤独感明显增加了,备选副词中markedly“显著地,明显地”符合句意,且可与动词increased搭配,故J为答案。