[originaltext] Smartphones distract attention and reduce learning because of
[originaltext] Smartphones distract attention and reduce learning because of
Smartphones distract attention and reduce learning because of their potential to offer activities more inviting than studying. But what about background sound alone? A group of American researchers compared students’ comprehension of verbal material, when reading in the presence of background speech, instrumental music or general noise. General noise is neutral, such as that from the sound of an air conditioner or fan.
Students’ scores were most depressed in the presence of background speech. Comprehension was slightly better with the presence of music than with speech. However, when they were asked to identify melodies rather than understand text, background music interfered more. When the background speech was in a language unfamiliar to participants, there was little if any hindrance of reading comprehension.
British researchers compared the effects of background speech, vocal music, instrumental music, general background noise, and silence on short-term memory. Background speech had the biggest negative effect. Vocal music was slightly more disruptive than instrumental. In general, background noise and silence were least disruptive. It seems the degree of interference from background noise depends on the overlap between the processing required on the task and the processing required to screen out the background noise. The study suggests that when people read and when they try to remember any verbal material, background speech will inhibit their ability. Instrumental music will have, at worst, a slight effect. When students write essays, however, other research has found it is best to reduce all background noise as much as possible.
Not everyone reacts in the same way to distractions. Other studies suggest some aspects of personality may make a difference. The researchers subjected shy, quiet people and confident, outgoing ones to high-arousal or low-arousal background music, general noise or silence while asking them to remember words. Everyone performed best in the silent condition, but less sociable people were more negatively affected by each of the distractions. So when children are reading and trying to incorporate new material, parents could consider allowing some background music, particularly if it is instrumental and their child is the outgoing type.
22. What did some American researchers find about students’ reading comprehension in the presence of background noise?
23. What do we learn from the British researchers about the degree of interference from background noise?
24. What is best for students to do when writing essays according to some research?
25. How do people of different personalities react to distractions according to other studies?
A、It has to do with the type and volume of the background noise.
B、It has to do with short-term memory for listening comprehension.
C、It depends on the overlap in processing different kinds of information.
D、It depends on the participants’ ability to concentrate on the task at hand.
在文学形象的孕育过程中,起主导作用的是()。A.道德律令 B.人生理想 C
下颌正中联合部位骨折,最好选用以下哪种片位A.下颌骨后前位 B.下颌骨开口后前
DNA双螺旋结构模型的描述,不正确的是 A.腺嘌呤的摩尔数等于胸腺嘧啶的摩
慢性左心衰几乎都有的症状是 A.劳力性呼吸困难B.疲乏无力C.端坐呼吸D