Rob a bank and you risk a long stretch in jail. Run a bank whose dubious beh

游客2024-03-07  3

问题     Rob a bank and you risk a long stretch in jail. Run a bank whose dubious behavior leads to global economic collapse and you risk nothing of the sort, more likely a handsome pay-off.
    Illegal and dangerous mistakes associated with the financial industry have caused serious harm to the US and world economies. The scandals keep coming—rate rigging, money laundering, mis-selling and sanctions busting. The backlash (反对) against the industry shows no sign of easing.
    So given the scale of damage and public anger, fuelled by the industry’s bonus culture, it is curious that those responsible have largely avoided punishment in the traditional judicial sense, despite the demand for it.
    That we so want those involved to get their just deserts has its roots in ancient human forms of social control, which led to our modern sense of morality.
    In their fundamental, hunter-gatherer forms, crime and punishment surely go back for tens of millennia (千年). The case has been made that by 45000 years ago, or possibly earlier, people were practicing moralistic (道教的) social control much as we do.
    Without exception, investigators that still exist today and best reflect this ancient way of life exert aggressive watch over their peers for the good of the group. Economic villains are mainly bullies who use threats or force to benefit themselves, along with thieves and cheats.
    All are free-riders who take without giving, and all are punished by the group. This can range from mere criticism or ostracism (放逐) to active shaming, ejection or even capital punishment. This moral behavior was reinforced over the millennia that such egalitarian (平等主义的) bands dominated human life.
    Then around 12000 years ago, larger, still—egalitarian sedentary (定居的) tribes arrived with greater needs for centralized control. Eventually clusters of tribes formed authoritative chiefdoms. Next came early civilizations, with centrally prescribed and powerfully enforced moral orders. One thing tied these and modern, state-based moral systems to what came before and that was the human capacity for moral indignation. It remains strong today.
    So there is an inevitable discontentment when bankers seem to "get away with it", offending this instinctive moral corrective sense.
    And ultimately, such public opinion should strongly influence how we police fiscal deviants—but there are complicating factors that suggest this instinct is being undermined when it comes to taming the most harmful behavior in the banking world. [br] The phrase "get away with it" in Paragraph 9 most probably means________.

选项 A、to run away with money
B、to escape punishment for their mistakes
C、to be indifferent to the public’s protest
D、to be unable to deal with their mistakes

答案 B

解析 由题干关键词“get away with it” in Paragraph 9定位到第九段。语义理解题。由定位段可知,当银行家们好像不会因为其过错而受到任何惩罚时,必然会引起公众对此的不满。再结合文章首段的内容:抢劫银行,你将面临长期的牢狱之灾,而管理一家银行,即使这家银行的冒险行为导致全球经济崩溃,你却不必因此而承担风险……,可推测这里的get away with it表示“逃脱惩罚”的意思。因此B“不因其过错而受到惩罚”最符合文意,故为正确答案。