From the first paragraph we know that present-day universities have become _____

游客2024-03-06  3

问题 From the first paragraph we know that present-day universities have become ______. [br] The policy of welcoming foreign students can benefit the U.S. in that the very best of them will stay and ______.


答案 strengthen the nation

解析 本题空白处问“欢迎留学生的政策会为美国带来好处,这是因为留学生当中最好的那些大会留在美国并且怎样”。根据题文中the very best of them可知文中相关部分在倒数第一段,其中提到“…the very best of them stay in the States and--like immigrants throughout history--strengthen the nation…”(……留学生当中最优秀的人留在了美国——正如史上的移民那样——使得美国变得更为强大……。)因此答案为“strengthen the nation”。