Our daily existence is divided to two phases, as S1.__

游客2024-03-06  4

问题     Our daily existence is divided to two phases, as                       S1.______
distinct as day and night. We call them work and play.
And, when we have allowed the necessary minimum
for such activities as eating and shop, the rest we                        S2.______
spend in various activities where are known as                             S3.______
recreations, an elegant word which disguise the fact                       S4.______
that we usually do not even play in our hours of
leisure, but spend them in various forms of passive
enjoyment or entertainment—not playing football but
watching football matches; not acting
but theatre-going.
    We need to make, therefore, a hard-and-fast
distinction not only between work and play but
equal between active play and passive entertainment.                       S5.______
It seems that the decline of active play—of amateur
sport—and the enormous growth of purely receptive
entertainment which has given rise a sociological                          S6.______
interest in the problem, If the greater part of the
population, instead indulging in sport, spends                             S7.______
hour of leisure viewing television programmers, there                      S8.______
will inevitably be a decline in health and physique.
We should live art if we would be affect by art. We                        S9.______
should paint rather than appreciate painting,
play piano rather than go to concerts, dance and sing
and act ourselves, engaging all our the senses in the                      S10.______
touch of arts.


答案 to→into

解析 这里考查的是动词和介词的搭配,divide这个动词固定和into搭配,意思是“分成……份”。