[originaltext]W: Tim, did you get your ticket for the concert Friday?M: I trie

游客2024-03-06  6

W: Tim, did you get your ticket for the concert Friday?
M: I tried to. I stopped by the ticket office on the way back from campus, but they wouldn’t take my check.
W: Why not?
M: The cashier said I didn’t have enough identification with me—a student ID card wasn’t enough. He said I needed a driver’s license, too.
W: What happened to yours? Did you lose it, or just forget to bring it with you?
M: I don’t have one. You know me—I ride my bicycle everywhere I go, so why do I need a driver’s license?
W: You could still get an official identification card from the state and use that to cash checks.
M: Where do I get one of those?
W: At the same place you get a driver’s license, the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
M: Is that office downtown?
W: No, it’s out on Southland Parkway, next to the Midvale Shopping Mall.
M: What do you think I’ll need to do to get one?
W: Just bring some official document that has your date of birth on it. You could use a passport, for example.
M: I’ll ride out there tomorrow.
W: Good idea. And I’ll tell you what, Tim, if you promise to cash a check as soon as you can, I’ll let you borrow some money, and you can go get that ticket.

选项 A、A passport.
B、A check.
C、A driver’s license.
D、A ticket.

答案 A

解析 What does the woman suggest Tim bring when he goes to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles?