[originaltext]W: Now without getting heavy on that but we were talking about wo
[originaltext]W: Now without getting heavy on that but we were talking about wo
W: Now without getting heavy on that but we were talking about women’s liberation in Australia. That was one of the first countries. And I was merely going to say that we didn’t have those things in Denmark. Women were equal in Denmark as far as I grew up.
M: You were going to tell a story about how you came to Melbourne and you walked in to this pub for the first time.
W: My first experience of that kind of separation of men and women, which I never had any understanding about...I never knew about that...and my first experience was in Melbourne. Down on the corner was this pub and I am going to go in with the boys and have a beer and then I thought, imagine all the girls. There are no girls here. There are only men. Where are all the girls? Well, women are not allowed in this bar here. It’s only men.
M: Public bar...the women and children used to sit in the Ladies’ Lounge. It was so awfully ugly, right? And unappetizing. Bad light and totally ugly, right? So no woman with respect for herself would sit in there...
W: All right and here comes then Germaine Greer...arrives...some years later.., she arrives on the scene. And the next time I visit a pub was in Esk and two women walked into the public bar and said "we would like a beer" and they can’t get served in that bar and they said "no, we are not going to move" and there were a lot of things about police and all sorts of things coming in to it and it was...in the newspaper.
M: And they chained themselves to the bar, didn’t they? Oh, that was in Coronation Drive, Regatta Hotel.
W: Yeah, well, they did it up in Esk too. It was on then.
M: Right, she chained herself to the Regatta Hotel bar.
W: The Regatta Hotel bar. That’s famous.
M: I wonder if she’s still around.
W: Anyhow...But that was just a talk.
M: No, but that’s absolutely right. And that was in 1972.
W: But it was that type of thing.
M: It’s only bloody...sorry...more than 30 years ago...
A、They are talking about public bars.
B、They are talking about drinking wine.
C、They are talking about going to the bar.
D、They are talking about women’s liberation.
What are they talking about?
恶阻,口淡,呕吐清涎者,多为( )。A.脾胃虚弱 B.脾虚痰湿 C.肝胃不
哥白尼的“太阳中心说”并非真正科学.但他的巨大进步意义在于( )。A.为近代科
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