This passage is most probably______. [br] Which of the following can be inferred

游客2024-03-05  3

问题 This passage is most probably______. [br] Which of the following can be inferred from this passage?

选项 A、Had Adam and Eve not eaten the forbidden fruit, human being would be still ignorant.
B、Anyone who disobeys God should be punished.
C、Satan and his followers are Parliament members in the poem.
D、The angels are described as loyal in the poem.

答案 A

解析 推断题。第三段说亚当和夏娃表现了弥尔顿对人的力量的信仰,上帝剥夺了人类追求知识的机会,正是对知识的追求能为人类开启智慧和积极的生活之路,由此可推知弥尔顿认为若亚当、夏娃未偷食禁果,人类至今仍处于愚昧状态,故选A。