Which of the following is net true according to the passage? [br] What is found

游客2024-03-05  4

问题 Which of the following is net true according to the passage? [br] What is found to have close relationship with rapid increase in population?

选项 A、War between 2 countries.
B、Ways discovered to increase productivity.
C、Migration from a continent to another continent.
D、A new religion beginning to be accepted by people.

答案 B

解析 本题考查对相关细节的掌握。从人类三次重大变化中我们知道每次人口增长都与生产力、生产方式的提高有关,所以正确答案为B;A两国之间的战争;C人口从一个大陆向另一个大陆的迁移;D一种新的宗教开始为人们所接受;这三项均与本文不符或无关。