The word "shoulder"(Line 1, Para. 1) most likely means "______". [br] According

游客2024-03-05  3

问题 The word "shoulder"(Line 1, Para. 1) most likely means "______". [br] According to the article, some have criticized the changes because they ______.

选项 A、ignore local and state taxes
B、were not discussed in public
C、are not in accordance with federal law
D、leave many families unable to pay for college

答案 B

解析 逻辑关系题。第二段写道:“许多大学的管理者称这种变化是以见不得人的方式、不经公众讨论而削减教育支出。”由此可知,一些人批评这些变化是因为这些变化未经公众讨论。