[originaltext]M: Hi, Molly! What are you doing here?W: Hi, Jack. The usual thi
[originaltext]M: Hi, Molly! What are you doing here?W: Hi, Jack. The usual thi
M: Hi, Molly! What are you doing here?
W: Hi, Jack. The usual thing, shopping. How about you?
M: No shopping for me, I’m just looking. It’s a long time until pay day and I have nothing left from my last salary.
W: Well, window shopping is OK, I guess. You know, you should really start to think more seriously about your money.
M: I know, I know. I try to save it, but I always spend it.
W: We should design a special spending plan for you. Every month you can spend some and save some. Then we can control when and how much you spend.
M: That sounds like a great idea, but I’ve already tried these types of plans. I can never stick to them.
W: Come on! You’ve got to try again. Can you believe that I used to be just like you? I spent everything I earned, I never saved anything! But now I have some monthly rules that I always stick to. For example, when I get paid I always take 30% of my salary and put it into another bank account, my savings account, so I will have no chance to spend it.
M: I never thought of that. I only have one account, I keep all of my money there, so it’s always available for me to spend.
W: Exactly, that’s the first thing we will change. Go to your bank when you get paid and open another account, it’s really easy. Let’s say that next month will be a new beginning for you, no more crazy spending, OK?
M: Yes, you are right. I always buy countless items that I don’t need and will never use. Maybe if the money isn’t available I wont be tempted to spend it. Thanks Molly! That was some great advice.
A、Yes, she’s always been good with money.
B、No, she has never been good with money.
C、She used to be a bad saver, like Jack.
D、She doesn’t save money.
Has Molly always been a good saver?
调节真核蛋白质编码基因转录的反式作用因子有()。A.TFⅢA B.TFⅡD
关于轻钢龙骨吊顶吊杆及龙骨排布的构造要求,错误的是哪一项?( )A.吊顶吊杆的
营养不良的最初症状是()A.智力发育停滞 B.肌肉张力低下 C.身长
A.3% B.5% C.6% D.21% E.1%头部的烧伤面积为
案例四 一、一般情况 求助者:李某,女,汉族,l9岁,高中三年级学生。 二
下列属于FIDIC道德准则中反腐败内容的有( )。A.既不提供也不收受任何形式的
与计算机网络连接的系统都要遵守网路协议,网络协议主要由()三个要素构成。 A.