By using the national road system, one can drive to all states of America withou

游客2024-03-05  4

问题 By using the national road system, one can drive to all states of America without stopping. [br] In the late 20th century, the Interstate Highway System was officially renamed after Eisenhower in honor of ______.


答案 his vision and leadership

解析 本题涉及到二十世纪末Interstate Highway System以Eisenhower重新命名的原因,文章最后一段为答案出处。题干中的officially renamed对应文中的The United States government renamed,介词词组in honor of代替了文中的不定式to honor。空中应填his vision and leadership,即是为了纪念艾森豪威尔的远见卓识和领导才能。