According to the passage, employees being evaluated ______. [br] According to th

游客2024-03-04  7

问题 According to the passage, employees being evaluated ______. [br] According to the last paragraph, the goals for the future work should ______.

选项 A、be in a new area needing improvement
B、require great strengths of the employee
C、be within the list of the company goals
D、be based on the employee’s past achievements

答案 D

解析 文章最后一段的Ideally, these goals should be built upon the known strengths and successes of the employee表明对将来工作目标的设定应该以员工以前的工作成绩作参考,D正是对这句话的同义转述:be based upon对应be built upon;past对应known;achievements对应strengths and successes。A是针对文章最后一句设的干扰项,areas needing improvement不等于a new area needing improvement,所以A项内容在文中未提及,B在文中没有涉及。C与文章中Both parties should also draw up a short list of goals意思不符。