Quietly, almost unnoticed by a world sunk into the Great Depression, Germany

游客2024-03-04  4

问题     Quietly, almost unnoticed by a world sunk into the Great Depression, Germany on Jan. 30, 1933, was handed to a monster. Adolf Hitler arrived, not in jackboots at the head of his Nazi legions but on cat paws, creeping in the side door.
    The president, Field Marshal Paul yon Hindenburg, 85 and doddering, hated Hitler and all he represented. In 1931, after their first meeting, Hindenburg said Hitler "might become minister of posts but never chancellor." In 1932 Hitler challenged Hindenburg. The president—Protestant, Prussian, a conservative monarchist—won with the votes of Socialists, unions, centrist Catholics and liberal democrats. Hitler—Catholic, Austrian and a former tramp—carried upper class Protestants, Prussian landowners and monarchists.
    Nearly senile(衰老的) and desperate for any way to establish order in the fractions environment, Hindenburg fell prey to intriguer. Papen began plotting to bring himself to power and his supposed friend Schleicher to the top of the army. Papen offered Hindenburg a government with Hitler’s support but without Hitler in the cabinet. Hindenburg made Papen chancellor and Schleicher defense minister.
    In the July 1932 parliamentary elections, the Nazi won 230 of 608 seats, and Hitler demanded the chancellorship; Hindenburg refused. Papen lost a confidence vote in August, and his government fell after using in the fourth election in a year in November. Schleicher, whose very name means "intriguer", turned on Papen, persuading Hindenburg to name him chancellor. Hitler’s propagandist Joseph Goebbels noted: "He won’t last long."
    To get revenge, Papen proposed sharing power with Hitler in January 1933; Hitler agreed, but with Papen as vice chancellor. Ever eager for order, Hindenburg shifted once again and fired Schleicher. "I am sure, "the president said, "I shall not regret this action in heaven." Schleicher replied bitterly, "After this breach of trust, sir, I am not sure you will go to heaven." Schleicher would later say: "I stayed in power only 57 days, and on each and every one of them I was betrayed 57 times. Don’t ever speak to me of German loyalty!"
    At noon on Jan. 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was sworn in as chancellor. Within one month the Reichstag(德国国会大厦) burned and civil liberties were suspended. Within two months, the Enabling Act stripped parliament of power and made Hitler dictator. On April 1, Hitler decreed a boycott of Jewish businesses. On April 4, he created the Reich Defense Council and began secretly rearming Germany. On April 14, Hitler made the Nazi Party "the only political party in Germany ".

选项 A、he seized power illegally
B、he seized power by military force
C、he quietly took advantage of the internal conflict
D、he cleverly took advantage of the Great Depression

答案 C

解析 细节推断题。文中前三段的信息表明Hitler是利用国内政治力量的冲突而掌权。注意:选项D仅仅讲述了当时德国的经济局势,并不全画。