Digital technologies really began to take form when ______. [br] By using the ph

游客2024-03-04  6

问题 Digital technologies really began to take form when ______. [br] By using the phrase "stay tuned for good news"(Para. 3) the author wants us to ______.

选项 A、try and be more optimistic
B、wait for the situation to change for the better
C、expect more positive innovations
D、hope that the good news won’t change

答案 C

解析 从第三段最后一句中的so可以看出,其前后的两个分句是因果关系:stay tuned for good news的原因是,历经了二十年的数字技术革命continue to bear fruit,该句中的digitally是指from the digital innovations。stay tuned for...常用于广播节目或电视节目中,意思是“请继续收听或收看…”,这里作者是用展望未来的口吻让读者期待digital innovations有更多的good Hews,因此选项C的内容最符合题意。第三段第二句中的there are reasons for optimism说明作者对消除负面影响的乐观态度,强干扰项A和B只是在表层意义上对此进行转述,并没有表达出“期待good news”这层含义,因此排除。