Which of the following statements is NOT true? [br] The best tide for this passa

游客2024-03-04  11

问题 Which of the following statements is NOT true? [br] The best tide for this passage could be ______.

选项 A、Nature Is Beyond Human’s Control
B、No Method or Stronger Structures Are Founds to Predict and Withstand Quakes
C、Can’t We Predict Earthquakes?
D、Earthquake, Hard to Predict!

答案 D

解析 全文主旨题。注意掌握各段的中心思想。A项过于空泛,B项不可能有预测地震的方法及抗震的建筑,这一说法太过绝对。C项反意疑问句,与全文主旨不符。因此,只有D项符合题意。