According to the passage, what will most excellent senior executives do when the

游客2024-03-04  5

问题 According to the passage, what will most excellent senior executives do when they tackle complicated problems? [br] According to the passage, how do the executives use intuition?

选项 A、They make deep analysis of a problem.
B、They use experience to make decisions.
C、They evaluate various factors and make employees understand the big picture.
D、They spend much money and time in the process of decision making.

答案 B

解析 由题干中的executives use intuition定位到原文第三段第二句Rather,executives use intuition in a number of ways.[精析] 综合推断题[考频:28]。根据原文“这种决策过程是以多年的操作、亲身经历和对何时要做出迅速决定、何时要等待更多信息的非常准确的感觉为基础的”可以推知,B)“他们运用经验来做决定”与文意相符,故为正确答案。[避错] 由原文“而不用依靠费钱耗时的深入分析”可以排除A)“他们对问题做深入分析”和D)“他们花费更多的钱和时间来作决定”:C)与原文第四段第一句不符,该句说“直觉让经理人能够以全局为依据做出决策”,而不是让员工也理解“全局”,故排除。